after the mannerの例文


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  1. A Poem in Twelve Books, after the manner of Milton ".
  2. Hermippus also appears to have written scurrilous iambic poems after the manner of Archilochus.
  3. Now, after the manner in which he handled his loss, everyone knows it.
  4. Choricius was also the author of descriptions of works of art after the manner of Philostratus.
  5. They also painted visually appealing still lifes and portraits after the manner of John Singer Sargent.


  1. "after the love"の例文
  2. "after the love has gone"の例文
  3. "after the love is gone"の例文
  4. "after the lovin"の例文
  5. "after the loving"の例文
  6. "after the manner of"の例文
  7. "after the model of"の例文
  8. "after the morning"の例文
  9. "after the morning after"の例文
  10. "after the movie"の例文
  11. "after the lovin"の例文
  12. "after the loving"の例文
  13. "after the manner of"の例文
  14. "after the model of"の例文

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